New Arrivals 9-26-24
Used drift continued, part 8453... some nicey nices in here, from a super clean original Cosmic Slop to a first press Figure 8 to sealed Earth Wind & Fire to northern IL small label SIKE burner ICE. Step if you're a real one. Much more to come~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #originalpressing #usedvinyl #funkadelic #elliottsmith #delasoul #machinehead #johnlennon #robertcray #earthwindandfire #milesdavis #thebevisfrond #traffic #creedenceclearwaterrevival #francoisehardy #tajmahal #ledzeppelin & more~
New Arrivals 9-21-24
This was supposed to be Friday's move, but VHS, humanity, a deluge of new used drift & general madness stepped in the way and stayed there. But now, HARK! NEW Galaxie 500 from the ever-inspired/inspiring @silvercurrent, NEW Animal Piss Its Everywhere from the beyond, NEW Kandodo from the great @laud_hyena, restocks of a bunch of house favorites from the like of Six Organs Of Admittance, whose rare midwest appearance Thursday we're still talking about... followed by some quality used dust...out nowww~ #reverberationvinyl #blono #records #ilstu #recordstore #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordshop #billorcutt #chriscorsano #galaxie500 #kandodo #animalpissitseverywhere #naturalsnowbuildings #powersrolinduo #johncale #vashtibunyan #sixorgansofadmittance #dirtythree #joemcphee #thebeatles #sonicyouth #rollingstones #defleppard #fairportconvention CREAM #fatboys & more~
New Arrivals 8-14-24
New stuff = anything new to our ears. Here's a bunch of it, hand chosen by yours truly, to share with the mildly adventurous listener. Why I'm here. Soundtracked by the next new @elkhornmusic, you'll find several of their recent beauties clustered together here, all different, but all carrying my enthusiastic recommendation. Delia Derbyshire, Azymuth, JAMC, Hawkwind, Annette Peacock, J.C. Vannier, Wednesday Knudsen, Fairport Convention, Basil Kirchin, Roy Budd, John Coltrane, Bardo Pond, Bevis Frond, Hoga Nord Rekords & too many others to mention await discovery among the deep & rich bins already here~ #reverberationvinyl #records #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #newmusic #elkhorn #spacemen3 #deliaderbyshire #thejesusandmarychain #badbrains #thedamned #hawkwind #johncoltrane #peterbrotzmann #fleetwoodmac #galaxie500 #flamingroovies #velvetunderground & more~
New Arrivals 6-25-24
Dreary Tuesday enlivened by this stacked crate of punk-metal-adjacent action... originals, reissues, roughneck, entry level, minty, etc all represented here... git in on it~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #recordstore #bloomingtonillinois #recordshop #newarrivals #originalpressing #usedvinyl #ramones #7seconds #thedamned #newyorkdolls #buttholesurfers #acdc X #minorthreat #thecramps #blackflag #firehose #ironmaiden #vanhalen #huskerdu FLIPPER #sonicyouth KISS & more~
New Arrivals 6-24-24
Mundae dust, used reverie, new arrivals... call 'em what you will, they're out now~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #recordstore #bloomingtonillinois #recordshop #newarrivals #originalpressing #usedvinyl #dickdale #beastieboys #katebush #albertking #steviewonder #vampireweekend #theeimage #antoniocarlosjobim #ramseylewis #duaneeddy #wendycarlos #frumpy #keithrichards #themugwumps #pinkfloyd #mychemicalromance #thewho WAR & more, plus voluminous cheapos & freebies~
New Arrivals 6-22-24
One of the most epic, nonstop buying weeks in recent memory rolls on... trying to get things sorted, out & the hands of the favored freaks as quickly as possible, but that system has been strained to a ridiculous level since Monday. Used in front, new in back, these are out right now~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #recordstore #bloomingtonillinois #recordshop #usedvinyl #originalpressing #newmusic #francoisehardy #ledzeppelin #theturtles #jimihendrix #horacesilver #miltjackson #davebrubeck #thebeatles #startrek #mybloodyvalentine #starwars #roybudd #pinkfloyd #whitezombie #75dollarbill #royayers #shuggieotis #pgsix #rongeesin & more, plus lots of cheapos & lots of freebies on the curb~
New Arrivals 6-10-24
Heyo, long day of gear testing - you win some, you lose some - here's a crate seeded with some heaters among the pedestrian. Out now, much more to come this week~ #reverberationvinyl #records #blono #newarrivals #usedvinyl #bloomingtonillinois #recordshop #originalpressing #recordstore #pinkfloyd #bluesbrothers #thecramps #rollingstones #badfinger #jamesgang #chicobuarque #miltonnascimento #tourekunda #richardthompson #talkingheads #janeweaver #steelydan #badbrains #tomverlaine #thesalvationarmy #milesdavis #harrynilsson & more~
Today's the day: I'll be out next week for a brief sabbatical, so grip today if you're inclined. New arrival used drift per usual, including a near perfect Parliament Funkadelic "Earth Tour" with poster & iron on. Hey now! See you today or see you next Friday or somesuch time~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #recordstore #bloomingtonillinois #recordshop #newarrivals #originalpressing #usedvinyl #misfits #thebeatles #bluesbrothers #parliamentfunkadelic #missionofburma #wilsonpickett #rollingstones #ravishankar & more~
New Arrivals 5-6-24
Monday dusting of The People's Favorites, lotta crush, lotta Rush... roll with intent, folks...quality used goods ahoy. Much more of the same this week, leading up to the big show on Thursday night~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #originalpressing #usedvinyl #scorpions #vanhalen #pinkfloyd #rush #motleycrue #thebeatles #thedoors YES #csny & more~
New Arrivals 5-1-24
More used hitters out today, many NICE ones in here, both in terms of condition and country of origin. That being Canada. More to come~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #originalpressing #usedvinyl #rush #pinkfloyd #saxon #scorpions #eddieandthehotrods #eagles #rollingstones #argent #gilscottheron #frankzappa #dickeybetts #quietriot & more~
New Arrivals 4-24-24
A clutch crate of new/sealed LPs about to hit...very late but most welcome grip of the ESSENTIAL first three Ghost (the Japan original, but you shouldn't need to ask) records, a most welcome Basil Kirchin tape archive release from Trunk, weightless "classic" Basil in spy soundtrack mode. See also: Bill Fay, Finders Keepers, Strapping Fieldhands, Wednesday Knudsen, PG Six, High Llamas, VU, Fred Frith, Rallizes, Tim Maia, Neil Young & more...aka, "only the good sh*t". Out nowww~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #newmusic #basilkirchin GHOST #sergegainsbourg #jeanclaudevannier #strappingfieldhands #causasui #pgsix #lesrallizesdenudes #neilyoung #sirrichardbishop #billfay SCIENTIST #velvetunderground #timmaia & more~
Morricone Giveaway Winner
WINNER! Hopefully you a) attended the Normal Theater's wonderful run of Ennio Morricone scored films over the last week, and b) you kept your ticket stub! The holder of the winning stub (wait til the end of the reel!) receives their choice of one of the Morricone LPs shown here. You have until next Monday, April 15th, to come on down to Reverberation Vinyl - with your half of the stub - to claim your prize, 341757! The remainder, of course, will be out for sale, as this is a soundtrack rich environment. Thanks for playing, and keep listening! #enniomorricone #thenormaltheater #reverberationvinyl #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #originalpressing #usedvinyl #newmusic #soundtracks
New Arrivals 4-3-24
Wednesday's variety pack here, mostly rockoid stylings~ #records #reverberationvinyl #blono #ilstu #recordshop #IWU #bloomingtonillinois #recordstore #originalpressing #usedvinyl #GTOs #woodenwand #sonicyouth #ravishankar #zztop #captainbeyond #klaatu #beegees #headeast #thepolice #davidchalmers #jethrotull #twentyonepilots #woodenwand #tinaturner & more~