Good Morning Ladies and Gents !
First and foremost,
It has been some time since we have posted on here, and as much as its hurt us to stay away, our Page has actually gained in following. We couldn't be thankful enough for this.
Secondly, we would like to apologize for our absence. There were a lot of factors that had a hand in our decision to stay away.
As one burden showed its ugly head, another issue would arise and we would be further away from our goals.
At times the passion was gone, and we had no interest in continuing, and the time we had was slowly dwindling between the days. We really had to figure out how to continue, but the more we tried, the less time we would wind up with. We gave up...
At the end of May, we were blessed with a place to call our own !
It had just enough room for us, our kids, and a small area that could be used as place to do some creative things. We couldn't be happier, and at the end of the day, that passion.. that fire, hasn't burned brighter.
This doesn't mean we are coming back today, tomorrow, or in a month. We aren't quite sure what direction we want to take, as our options are endless, but our time scarce. So we want to do something that motivates us, and keeps us striving, rather than something that we find ourselves losing interest in.
Officially Maddi Raes is closed ( AT THIS TIME) ...
HOWEVER, something NEW will come of this. We will keep you updated here. We will get you new links and invites as soon as that becomes available. IF we can, we will change the page name here. It took a lot of work to get this page to where it is. We don't wish to lose it. Daniel and I are going to focus more on our Brand as a couple. So you may see more videos of us together talking about whats happening. You may only see one of us.
With that, We wish to thank everyone who helped support us, and we hope to see you all on the other side...We are excited for the future. Right now, we are just working on our today..
Cass and Dan