Last week I posted in the FB group "Alexander Technique Forum" a word of caution regarding several new AI-generated books on the Alexander Technique which have appeared on Amazon. Self-published, print-on-demand, by an "author" who cannot be identified, and who has typically published many books on different therapies, treatments and bodywork in a short time span.
They all consist of the most bland, superficial statements, frequently promising all sorts of benefits. They typically have very short, generic descriptions of the Alexander Technique. You can read reviews of them in the Mouritz bibliography (https://mouritz.org/bibliography/listing).
However, there is a new AI-generated book on the Technique, which is different. It contains more detailed information and the reason for this is that it is plagiarising AT teachers, probably using an AI summariser generator. I identified three teachers who have been plagiarised and the sources of plagiarism, but there be may more. For example, in one chapter it summarises Pedro de Alcantara’s example of two cello players from his website (without acknowledgement, credit or reference).
For details, see the "Mouritz Description" for the book by "Dani Twain" here: https://mouritz.org/bibliography/item/21182