To my comic customers and friends I just wanted to give y'all an update. We made it through the storm just fine. We have a few limbs to pick up (only one needed the chainsaw) but that was it. Only lost power for all of 5 mintues (of which the new generator kicked in and performed perfectly, lol). So cleanup is underway and should be done in a day or two. Several of my friends and neighbors weren't so lucky. I measured almost 11.5 inches of rain from the storm. This was already on top a very wet previous two weeks. This was over my county (Bulloch) and several of the surrounding counties. We had several pond dams fail and numerous creeks and rivers reached stages that haven't been seen before. In an area where as a general rule you just didn't think about flooding, there are several houses that have been flooded. Pictured below is the home that belongs to the son of a family friend. So, having said all that, I hope to get back to auctions first of next week. Also, I know I have two or three of y'all that I need to do shipping for. I hopefully will get to that in the next day or two. And on a little brighter note, I have my son checking out a really nice collection for sale this afternoon. Fingers crossed that we can make a deal on that one. About 8000 books plus cards, posters and other cool stuff.