Inspired by a plea for mercy and compassion, my newest hymn text -- "What's Done For Those With Less" -- is based on two Gospel readings about compassion, showing mercy and loving ones neighbor: Matthew 25:35-36, 40 and the story of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:27, 33-35.
Permission is granted to use this text in your worshipping community with usage reporting through either OneLicense or CCLI. My original tune is not yet published, but this text pairs well with KINGSFOLD.
A free pdf is available for download on my website: https://trevorhicksonline.com/collections/free-downloads
What's Done For Those With Less
By: Trevor Hicks
When we feed ones who have no food,
Give drink to those who thirst,
Invite a stranger to our midst
And think of others first:
What’s done for those with less than you,
You’ve done for God above,
What’s done for those the world ignores,
You’ve shown God’s steadfast love.
When we give clothes to those with none,
Give care for the infirm,
Spend time with those in prison cells,
And those who have been hurt:
What’s done for those with less than you,
You’ve done for God above,
What’s done for those the world ignores,
You’ve shown God’s steadfast love.
When we love God with all our heart,
Our soul, our strength, and mind;
And love our neighbors as ourselves,
We win eternal life:
What’s done for those with less than you,
You’ve done for God above,
What’s done for those the world ignores,
You’ve shown God’s steadfast love.
When mercy mends the broken soul,
Compassion ends despair;
We pity those left underfoot,
Extending love and care:
What’s done for those with less than you,
You’ve done for God above,
What’s done for those the world ignores,
You’ve shown God’s steadfast love.
© 2025, Trevor Hicks (admin. Trevor Hicks Compositions). All rights reserved.
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