Happy Birthday Harley!
Best wishes and tons of L&R from the HG Port Perry/Peterborough team.
We will see you at the party!!
Come see us at Harley Gs Port Perry.
This weekend only! Sale sale sale
Student Discounts ALL school year long!
Show us your current student I.D at any time from now til june and receive 10% off every purchase!!
#BackToSchool #harleygs
Harley Gs Port Perry can hook you up with anything you need.
Stop in and see us.
#harleygs #theones
Suns out , doors are open, sales are on and the tunes are cranked!
Come see me!
Im here til 5!
#longweekend #harleygs #summersale
As promised... just a few of the HG RIDING DIRTY photos from our MUDGIRL 5km run this weekend .
These are unedited and pretty raw...lol Mud everywhere!
The "HARLEY G'S RIDING DIRTY" Girls Team was in it up to the tits this weekend, raising 1000$ for Breast Cancer Research.
If anyone has a charity or event you think our team could help with , raise money for, or maybe just something you'd like to see us get into, please feel free to reach out .
We love this s**t.
Our ladies are ready to go and already looking for our next event.
#hgptbo #hgportperry #mudgirl2022
You DO NOT want to miss this !!
Come on out and lets help make this Christmas special for our seniors. A huge shout out to Angela Earhart and Joseph Morin for organizing this incredible event.
Entertainment will include-Jake Norris and Sidestreet , Billy Marks, Stax, Dirty Doc...WOW!
There will also be a corn/pig roast, camping, bonfire, many vendors (including Harley G's), and a shuttle service and so much more.
Stay tuned for ticket info.
And for any further info or questions , please feel free to reach out to Ang, Joe or any of us here at HG Port Perry (905-985-1908)
#harleygsportperry #harleygsptbo #summer2022
Ya know we're not just about the tracksuits, right? 😏🔥 #LadiesFashion #HGPTBO #SexyDressesOnline #TshirtDress #SummerStyle
Fresh AF! 🔥🙌🏻 #HGPTBO #Style #Fashion #Peterborough #ForYou
Exceptional quality clothing and accessories for the entire family! #HGPTBO #Fashion #Accessories #ShopLocal #Peterborough
Port Dover Bike Rally this Friday the 13th! #HGPTBO #BikeRally #PortDover #Friday13th # Motorcycle
Come see us Tuesday-Sunday in Peterborough at 1582 Chemong Rd!! #HGPTBO #Fashion #Family #ForYouPage #Independent
#PortDover #HrlyGsPortPtbo #Friday13th
Harley G's Port Perry and Peterborough team will be doing a #PopUp at #Dover on #FridayThe13th #BikeLife #HarleyGs !!!!
If your in Dover stop by and see us at our booth! Cant Wait! Hope to see a lot of our friends there!